Monday, 20 August 2012

31 Day Challenge #20 Watermarbling

I suppose I should admit at this point that water marbling is my nemesis. If you thought the gradient was bad, well I was dreading this bad boy.

The basic thing that I don't like is the mess. First time I did this one out of 5 nails looked part way decent. But in the process of doing this I wrecked a table and spilt acetone on my clothes. I cannot abide the vaseline fingers and I am not very good at the clean up which means if I don't use the vaseline I end up looking like I fell over in a dulux mixing pot.

This time I decided to go back to basics. We did silk marbling in school using oils and water. So, I figure I just had to adapt this process to my fingers. So, instead of sticking my fingers into the pot of despair known as the water cup I walloped a bit of paper in. This was part successful, but the varnish dried into the paper, not on top. So, I moved onto something more water tight and grabbed a sandwich bag. This worked perfectly.

Final part of my plan was to leave this to dry overnight out of the way of the puppy and this morning I cut the plastic up roughly into fingernail sizes and peeled the varnish of it. Sorted. All I needed to do then was roughly paint my nails with one of the colours I had already used yesterday, then stick the bits of nail varnish onto it. A splash of Seche Vite, left to dry, and then I carefully removed the excess from around my nail.

Without blowing my own trumpet I think they look mighty fine. The only thing I would do differently next time is to include brighter colours and more glittery business.

The polishes I used are

No7 Betty Blues
No7 Minty Fresh
No7 Poolside Blue
No7 Standback
Models Own Aqua Violet

Here are links to the other ladies taking part in the challenge...

Before I forget, if you like chatting nail polish, you can always visit us on our forum


  1. This looks awesome! I love the colors you chose, it looks like the ocean =)

  2. Whaaaat?!? I despise water marbling, too, even though I love the way it looks. It's more of a water boarding than fun, if you ask me. I'm stealing your plastic baggie idea!

    1. I hated it too as it was messy and looked like shite.

      Steal away with the baggie idea, I sort of stole it from my textiles teacher in 1988!

  3. Dude, this is good! (yes, I said dude) Water marbeling is also my nemesis. Maybe we should all gang up and fight the beeeatch :-P

  4. I love this!! Definitely looks a lot nicer to do than the usual way! Steal :)
