Wednesday, 3 October 2012

On the third day of pinktober, polish fairies gave to me...

This is quicky as it has been dog training night, and it is late. Oh, and I also have to watch the Jimmy Saville documentary, as if I don't I won't be able to join in chatting about it at work. For anyone reading this outside the UK he was a tv star when I was a slip of a lass, and always a bit creepy. Now, he has been outed as a bit of a charlie chester ( Child Molester) Personally I think Louie Theroux got to the bottom of this years ago, but hey, I wanna see.

Todays Colour is a foil from Color Club called Hot like Lava. It goes on like a dream and looks lovely. Hope you all like it :)


  1. Such a pretty color i've been looking everywhere for these polishes!

    Jazz x

  2. I love this Pink really ... I kinda went thru my stash for pink polish and was surprise I got more orange then pink...
