Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Scaling Glittery Walls

Back to the pink today. Its all go here isn't it!

Gonna be a quick post because its late and I am tired, but I loved this combo so much I just couldn't let it go without showing everyone. I got a discounted bottle of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls from Sallys. Very chuffed, and decided to team it up with Barry M Ruby Glitter, which is the pink bit of this manicure.

I love the little dotty flitter bits in Ruby Glitter, it just looks so special. I also love how much it stands out against the pale, almost white background.

My only sadness is I don't have the Amethyst Glitter from Barry M and haven't seen it in any shops yet. Has anyone out there seen it?


  1. great pairing, I never considered these two but certainly will now! I got amethyst glitters from nailpolishdirect.co.uk, they take paypal and offer free 1st class postage.

    1. Thanks Emma, I didn't see them on there when I looked. Will have another look now. :)
