Saturday, 14 July 2012

BFF Nail Polish Challenge - Day 2 - Girlie

After the past option I was quite happy to go for this one, although I have spent all day thinking about what to do because there is so much darn choice.

So, I have decided to go with pink, and a side portion of pink. Just to ensure the girlie factor is 100%, and to make it just a little bit more obvious I have added a flower stamp. Yeah.

So, here goes..

Why not have a look at how the other girls taking part in the challenge have interpreted this one....


  1. very girly! this is great!

  2. So cute! Your stamping looks so crisp :)

  3. im sooooooo jealous!
    i have really wanted to learn how to stamp but i just cant get it quite right. i have tried everything that my friends had told me but i just cant quite get the image exactly as how it's supposed to be!

    stamping is better, me thinks, just because i can have even looking nail art compare with me freehanding my designs..

    free hand is fun but i cant get the image exactly like my left nails to my right one
